Please ignore any text message reminders you may have received telling you to go to Wythenshawe Hospital. This is an error. Your appointment is at the clinic named in your invitation letter. Please call the office on 0161 291 4444 if in doubt

Why we screen

One in seven women will develop breast cancer at some time in their life. 80% of breast cancers occur in women over 50. The risk of breast cancer rises as women get older. This is why the breast screening programme only targets women in this age group.

Breast Screening can help to find small changes in the breast before there are any other signs or symptoms. Early detection may mean simpler and more successful treatment. The latest research shows that the NHS Breast Screening Programme is now saving over 1400 lives every year in England.

The aim of the NHS Breast Screening Programme is to reduce the number of breast cancer deaths in the UK.

However, there are alternative views about Breast Screening. Please see our useful sites page for further information.

Manage your appointment

If you have been asked to book an appointment or would like to change it, we will be very happy to arrange this for you.

Manage your appointment

Where we screen

We screen at various convenient places across the region.

Where we screen


If you have a question please check our selection of FAQs.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)